Change is difficult and we want to help support you in being a healthy community member. Our addiction counselors offer a variety of substance abuse services and can help you access other resources in the community that can help you in improving your health and overall quality of life.
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of medications in combination with counseling to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders. MAT is primarily used for the treatment of addiction to opioids such as heroin and prescription pain relievers. The medication can normalize brain chemistry, block the euphoric effects of opioids, relieve physiological cravings, and normalize body functions. Research shows that a combination of medication and therapy can successfully treat these disorders.
North Star Health’s Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program
Our Medication-Assisted treatment (MAT) services can help improve your or your loved one’s chances for long-term sustained recovery. Through our MAT program, we assist patients addicted to opioids with medication and other supports to help them in their recovery from opiates and other drugs. Our program is staffed by registered nurses and licensed counselors who specialize in addiction and recovery and work closely with our MAT providers to offer you the best care possible.
To request an appointment with an MAT program professional, call our MAT team at 802-463-2657 or ask your healthcare provider for a referral.
Rapid Access to Medication-Assisted Treatment (RAM)
Offered through the Emergency Department, at Springfield Hospital, RAM provides same-day treatment for opioid addiction and follow-up counseling services.